
960 Information About The Secret Realm


Aldrin’s figure slammed into the ground, he couldn’t fight against Grey any longer. If the battle continued in this manner, there was a huge possibility that he would not only lose, but he would die as well. However, being a Ninth stage Sage Plane Elementalist, he didn’t want to give up to someone weaker than he was.

He felt that if Grey didn’t attack him at the crucial moment when he was trying to block off the explosion, he wouldn’t have lost.

His eyes were bloodshot as he was continuously suppressed.

“I admit defeat.” A sigh came from the area where the members of the Burchard Family were sitting.

The Elder who brought Aldrin over could only admit defeat on his behalf. Everyone present could see that Aldrin didn’t plan on giving up.

Grey instantly stopped his attacks and looked at Aldrin who was bloodied. He retreated to the side, taking a glance at Sylvia who gave him a nod of approval, he walked off the platform. His expression was the same as always, blank and indifferent.

Aldrin was disappointed, but he couldn’t hide the shock in his eyes. Grey was a freakish talent.

He was not the only one who thought of this, others did as well.

The Elder from the Burchard Family stepped onto the platform to tell them the rules of the competition they were going to engage in.

It was a battle between twenty participants. Both Families can only bring in five external participants, while the remaining members must be from the Family. Grey and the others were the external participants the Burchard Family was bringing over.

Of all twenty people, they were all below twenty-five years of age, and unsurprisingly, none of them had broken through to the Elemental Venerable Plane. Going from the Sage Plane to the Elemental Venerable Plane was not easy by any means. Of course, for someone like Grey who had awakened multiple domains, it wouldn’t be too difficult.

From the Elemental Venerable Plane and above, it didn’t completely rely on one’s ability or talent to absorb treasures and essence, rather, it had to do with one’s comprehension of their said elements. Awakening a domain already shows that an Elementalist has an amazing grasp over their elements.

Of course, having a great comprehension of their elements wasn’t the only thing, but it was more or less the most important. Without sufficient essence, it was still useless even if one has the greatest comprehension of their elements.

While speaking, the Elder told them the benefits of entering this particular secret realm, it had a great ability to improve one’s understanding of their elements. In short, it was the best place to go for youths who were on the verge of breaking through to the Elemental Venerable Plane. It’s quite common for those who went in to come out awakening a domain.

Sylvia felt that with Grey’s uniqueness and talent, he shouldn’t have any problems with awakening a domain or two if he spent some months there.

When the Elder was done speaking about the place and the rules, those who advanced to the next round were sent back to their residence. They would be setting out soon.

“I didn’t think you’d have advanced this much.” Sylvia said as she sipped a cup of tea. Grey was sitting opposite her.

“I was a little fortunate.” Grey replied calmly.

They couldn’t be said to be close since they only traveled for some time, but they were still acquaintances at the very least. Grey was here, which meant that he honored her invitation.

“How have you been able to cope with that thing?” Sylvia asked.

Although she didn’t mention the thing, Grey knew she was referring to the mark he had on him.

“Not so good. I can barely travel. And you know about the ancestors of those necromancers?” Grey answered truthfully.

“Yes, they’re from another realm.” Sylvia replied.

Everyone from the top Families knew a thing or two about these guys.

“I’ve encountered them quite a few times, also, they’ve tried to kill me repeatedly, and one of them increased the scope of the mark’s range.” Grey said dejectedly.

“If that’s the case, then you shouldn’t go to this realm.” Sylvia replied.

“Huh? Why?” Grey asked, confused.

“It’s connected to the realm those guys are from. To put it bluntly, it’s actually a war zone between us and their race. Well, there are two more races that are able to enter that place as well. Once an Elementalist gets to the Elemental Venerable Plane, they would be moved to the area for Elemental Venerables…”

Sylvia told Grey what she knew about the secret realm. It was a place filled with opportunities, and also danger. Having a link with three other realms other than their own meant that people from other races would enter the place as well.

Having such a feud with those guys, it’s natural that they would fight whenever they encounter each other. As for those in the other races, they were usually spectators.

Grey listened attentively, not cutting off Sylvia as she explained.

“How does the place work? And is there a way an Elementalists can hide their true strength from it and stay at a lower level?” Grey found this issue to be more important.

Sylvia said those at the Sage Plane were all in a specific area while those in the Elemental Venerable Plane are moved to another one. Even if someone were to be in the area for the Sage Plane, once they breakthrough, they would automatically be transported to the area for Elemental Venerables.

“The thing is, there are places where those from the Elemental Venerable Plane can actually enter into the area for those in the Sage Plane. There is naturally a flaw in this thing.” Sylvia explained, she paused to let Grey digest what she said before continuing, “I think this realm was created by our ancestors thousands of years ago, of course they would be in that God Plane to be able to do that.”

“Actually, thinking about it, it’s not only created by our ancestors alone, but multiple races’ God Plane experts. It was generally a place to grow. No one was allowed to go from one realm to another. Meaning, if we humans try to use that place as a link to enter the other realm, we would be killed by the experts there in an instant.”

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