
949 Power Of Decay

“Oh, you’re quite strong.” The old man said with a surprised voice.

Most Elementalists wouldn’t have been able to still stand after taking his blow, but Grey was still standing which showed that he was different from others. He couldn’t help but look at him with different eyes.

“Kid.” He suddenly called out.

Grey raised his head to look at him.

“Did you train your physical body?” The old man asked abruptly.

“Huh?” Grey was a little taken aback by his question, but he still gave a nod in the end.

There was no use in hiding it, it was quite evident that this old man had also done the same. If the old man was depending on his elements alone, he wouldn’t have been able to send Grey flying with just one blow.

“Haha, I thought as much. Alright kid, since you’re just like me who trained his body, I’ll give you another chance.” The old man laughed before saying with serious eyes, “Leave.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t agree to that. I need the fruit.” Grey replied without hesitation.

“I tried, but I guess there’s nothing more I can do. Since I like you, I’ll not kill you.” The old man said before walking over to Grey.

Grey prepared himself once again. He had underestimated the old man more than once within the span of a few minutes, now, he wanted to fight against him with everything he had, well, not everything, but he will be more serious with the battle now.

He moved instantly, charging at the old man.

The old man laughed out loud and readied himself for Grey’s incoming attack.

When Grey got to where he was, they started fighting a brutish battle, something that Elementalists rarely do. It had been a long time since Grey fought against someone who used their physical strength. After leaving the horned race’s realm, he hadn’t really fought with his physique.

They threw punches at each other, Grey didn’t forget to use his elements even though he wanted to fight a physical battle.

He occasionally used his fire, earth and space element to block, attack, and dodge the old man’s attacks.

One thing he soon found out within less than two minutes of fighting was that the old man had insane physical strength. Even he wouldn’t dare to say his physique would be this powerful when he gets to the Peak of the Sage Plane.

The old man was currently fighting without the aid of his element, it was unknown what his full strength would be once he unleashes his element as well.

Grey blocked a punch coming from his right and threw a punch with his left, aiming for the face of the old man.

The old man grabbed a hold of his hand. Seeing this, Grey opened his palm which was held by the old man and unleashed a terrifying explosive flame attack.

The old man was forced to retreat, not wanting to be caught by the attack. Even though his physique was strong, it wasn’t to the level where he was immune to these types of attacks.

Grey used the momentum to follow up with another attack.

The old man staggered back as he tried to block Grey’s incoming attacks. But Grey didn’t give him the chance to steady himself, he continued with a period of relentless attacks.

The old man didn’t panic, he carefully blocked and evaded Grey’s attack. He occasionally countered, but Grey had the momentum and he knew he couldn’t try to force or else he would give Grey the advantage in the battle.

Grey didn’t hold back as he tried to take down the old man now that he had the upper hand.

Unfortunately, after over five minutes, he noticed he still wasn’t able to take down the man, nor had he been able to cause him any major injuries. Other than the few superficial ones on the old man’s body, there were no other ones.

The old man suddenly exploded at the time when Grey was getting a little frustrated in his inability to take out the man even after using so many moves.

The old man pushed forward at the moment Grey was distracted and unleashed a punch, just like before.

Grey tried to block the attack, however, his expression changed instantly and he hastily retreated.

The attack seemed to manifest and a large fist made completely from a black substance appeared. It reeked of the aura of decay. It was none other than the effect of the darkness element.

The black fist hit the wall and Grey saw the wall decaying right before his eyes and he couldn’t help but shiver in fear. If that attack were to hit him, even though it wouldn’t kill him, it would be a painful experience.

The old man finally got the chance to attack for the first time in a while, without wasting any time, he started to attack Grey.

Grey wanted to use the same strategy as the old man, blocking and evading before countering, however, he noticed it wasn’t as easy as he thought.

The old man was an old cunning fox, each of his attacks carried the power to cause destructive damage, and if Grey were to sit out until the chance presented itself, he would be harmed by the attack.

Boom! Bang!

Grey evaded the old man’s attack before sending out a fireball, mixed with lightning.

The attack exploded out, but the old man covered the attack with a dome made from the darkness element and it suppressed the explosion.

‘You can use it like that?’ Grey was once again stumped by the old man’s ability.

He just learned a new thing from the old man. Not just that, but he noticed compared to other Darkness Elementalists he had seen, the decay ability of the old man’s darkness attacks was on another level.

If he could get this as well, it would be a good hidden arsenal since he would use it to open defensive walls. Using his dimensional slash was not as simple as it looks, it took a large toll on him, so he couldn’t repeat it frequently, this on the other hand was different.

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