
941 Arya

Grey and Void left the Laurel Region after some days.

After leaving the Region, Grey finally started to feel the sense of safety now. Not being in the Region meant that he would not have to worry about those Elemental Venerables or Sovereigns. The necromancers were already giving him enough headache, if more people joined, he might probably not be able to make it.

Two weeks later.

Grey and Void were staring at a group of beasts that was looking menacingly at them. Behind them was a young girl who was around ten years old.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Grey said with a soft smile.

They were currently in the next Region after the Laurel Region, the Quavers Region. According to the history of the Region, a powerful Earth Elementalist rose from the Quavering Mountains which was famous all round in the Region. The name of the Region came from this particular mountain.

The mountain is said to be a holy land for Earth Elementalists across the entire Continent.

Grey and Void planned to visit the place before leaving this Region. Even though they were in a hurry, it didn’t mean they couldn’t see such a famous place. Besides, it was around the place they were going to pass through, so they weren’t really sidetracking.

On the way to the Quavering mountains, they went through a small town and went on to see this young girl surrounded by beasts. All the beasts were in the Origin Plane. For someone of Grey’s current level, he wouldn’t even glance at an Overlord Plane Elementalist, much less these beasts at the Origin Plane.

He released his aura and the beasts immediately showed fears in their eyes. Without a second thought, they fled in all directions.

The young girl looked at Grey with awe in her eyes.

Grey smiled at her, “You’re fine. You shouldn’t venture out on your own next time.”

“I know, but my brother left five days ago, and he isn’t back yet…” The young girl explained the reason for her coming out of the town alone.

According to her, her brother left the town five days ago in search of a treasure which was reportedly sighted deep in the forest. Her brother was still in an Arcane Plane and he was already regarded as the top genius in the town. At the age of twenty-five, he was the fastest to reach the Arcane Plane before thirty.

Grey and Void exchanged glances when they heard this. Even the case in the Azure Continent wasn’t this bad. When Grey was fifteen, Klaus and the rest were already in the Arcane Plane, Alice and Reynolds were in the Late stages. Yet, a twenty-five year old Arcane Plane Elementalist was regarded as a genius.

He couldn’t help but shake his head, ‘So there are even places like this here.’

‘It’s normal. Not everyone is lucky enough to train in a good place.’ Void replied.

They had sensed the elemental essence in the area and it was pretty poor. It was even quite impressive that this young girl’s brother was able to get to the Arcane Plane in this place.

“Are you sure he came here?” Grey couldn’t help but ask the young girl.

The young girl nodded.

Grey furrowed his brows, the reason for this was because he just scared off a number of Origin Plane Magical beasts. If this young girl’s brother were to encounter them, he would die without even having the chance to move. The strength difference was just too large.

After some time, Grey said with a soft smile, “I’ll go and search for your brother, you should go back to the town, okay?”

“Can I go along with you, big brother?” The girl asked with large eyes.

“As much as I’d want you to follow me, it’s too risky. I can sense some powerful beasts here. I might not be able to protect you if you come with me.” Grey explained calmly.

He treated the girl with care since there’s a high chance that her brother was dead.

“Big brother, if I go back to the town, I’ll be all alone again. My brother is the only family I have.” The young girl replied with tears welling up in her eyes.

Grey paused when he heard this, “What about your parents?”

​ “They died when I was two. According to my Big brother, they were killed during a beast tide.” The young girl replied.

Grey felt a slight headache. He couldn’t send the young girl back since it was a little heartless. However, he knew this was the best choice, but he couldn’t bear to send the girl back.

“Alright, you’ll come with me to bring back your Big Brother, happy?” He said with a smile.

The young girl smiled when she heard this, and jumped happily.

Grey’s eyes flashed. He knew there might be a chance that her brother was dead, but there was nothing he could do.

‘Void, her safety will be your top priority.’ He communicated with Void.

Since he was taking the young girl with them, he had to make sure he was a hundred percent certain that he could save her. He also marked her, this way, he could appear close to her within the blink of an eye.

Void nodded to his words.

Grey was never a good person, since he decided to help this little girl, it must mean something.

They continued on the path the young girl said. Grey could sense the aura of a Sage Plane Magical beast in the forest. From what he could tell, the strongest beast in the forest is a Sage Plane Magical Beast. Even if an Elemental Venerable Magical Beast were to be in the forest, he had things he could use to fight against it.

Time went by and before long, they were already in the depths of the forest.

Grey didn’t need to fight against any of the beasts that came his way, all he needed was to release his aura and the beasts would run away.

The journey so far had been quite enjoyable, the young girl’s name was Arya, and she was quite the talkative. Grey didn’t know what to say, she bombarded him with questions that he couldn’t even answer them all.

While they were walking, Void suggested he made something for them to eat. Arya agreed to it immediately. She hasn’t started cultivating yet, so it was normal that she would grow hungry after some time.

Grey didn’t object to it and easily caught a beast that he used to make some soup.

When Arya took a spoon, her eyes opened wide, she looked at Grey with wide eyes.

“Big brother, this is the best food I’ve ever eaten!”

Grey laughed lightly when he heard this, “Oh really, doesn’t your Big brother cook for you?”

“Meh… he’s a terrible cook. I’m even better than him.” Arya said while sticking out her tongue.

Grey and Void laughed when they heard this.

Arya had come to know that Void could talk, and when she first found out, she literally freaked out.

Grey soon pushed her to Void’s side, it was normal that she would like the little small black talking cat.

After they finished eating, they continued their journey.

When they were just about to enter the depths of the forest, Grey encountered the first Sage Plane Magical Beast.

It was a Fox that was around three meters tall and over five meters long.

The Magical Beast was in the Early stages of Rank Six. It stared down at Grey with annoyed eyes.

Grey was naturally not too bothered with this Fox.

He turned to Arya, “I’m coming, I’ll go play with the Fox for a short time.”

“Be safe, Big brother.”

Grey nodded and walked over to the Fox that was looking down on him. It was evident that the Fox didn’t think much of him. It was normal since most beasts were stronger than their human counterparts.

“You should scurry away now, if not, you’ll turn to dinner.” Grey said with a playful tone.

The Fox was enraged by Grey’s words. It was already infuriated that a human dared to trespass into its territory, now the human dared to say that he wanted to turn it into dinner.


The Fox moved immediately and tried to bite Grey.

Grey’s figure blinked and he vanished from view.

The Fox paused, and turned to release an ice beam towards its back.

Grey’s figure appeared behind it and with a wave of his hand, he blocked the attack. He smirked and shot out a slash of fire blade.

The eyes of the Fox changed when it saw this. The attack power was beyond its expectation.

It hurriedly set up a defensive wall and blocked the attack.

However, Grey’s attack easily passed through it and sent the Fox flying. The Fox roared in pain and turned around.

“Too late.”

Grey’s voice sounded beside its ear. It’s vision soon turned black.

An hour later, Grey was cooking Fox meat.

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