
1150 One Survivor

Chapter 1150 One Survivor

The young lady looked at the headless body lying on the ground before glancing at Grey. Only a fool would believe his words.

'He took five people with him, it hasn't even been up to five minutes, and he's killed all of them?'

She found it hard to believe, even though she knew the only way for Grey to appear here in such a carefree manner was if he defeated that group, but she still found it hard to accept. She's in the Fifth stage of the Elemenetal Venerable Plane, three stages above Grey, and she wouldn't dare say she would be able to defeat a group of five that had someone in the Fourth stage, much less doing it in such a short time.

"What did you do to them?" She kept her gaze on Grey.

"Dead, and you'll join them soon." Grey blocked her escape route.

Void was standing behind her while Grey stood in front of her, making sure she had no way to escape.

"Do you think I'll believe you just because you said it?" The young lady scoffed.

"Believe whatever you want, it's not going to change anything." Grey didn't care if she believed him or not, he would still kill her.

The young lady looked at Grey and scoffed, "Even if you managed to kill them, do you think I'm like them?"

"It doesn't matter, the result will remain the same." Grey's reply was calm.

He attacked after saying this.

The young lady, seemingly prepared for this, blocked the attack with a dark screen before sending out a fireball attack.

Grey dodged the attack and attacked once again. Void did the same as well.

The duo soon started to bombard the young lady.

Although she was being overwhelmed by the duo, she didn't lose her cool, she carefully blocked each attack, dodging the ones she could while countering on a few occasions.

Grey and Void were still attacking when the young lady suddenly opened her mouth and a dark crow came out from it.

The crow enlarged, turning into a giant bird. The crow was a Rank Seven Magical Beast, just like Void.

The moment it appeared, it screeched loudly before sending out a darkness elemental attack at Grey.

Grey didn't panic and blocked the attack with ease, bolting into the sky and smacking the crow.

The crow dodged and tried to use its razor sharp claws to grab him. Grey dodged it but was met by an attack from the young lady who managed to break free from Void's attacks.

Grey blocked the attack, but it pushed him into the air, closer to the claw of the crow. The crow tried to grab him, but his hands suddenly became covered with scales as he held the crow's leg and gave a violent tug.

The crow was dragged down by the force of Grey's pull.

The young lady distanced herself from the place, seeing that Grey wanted to use the opportunity to go for the kill, she attacked with the fire element once again, sending out butterflies made from the fire element.

When Grey's figure touched one of the butterflies, it exploded, pushing him away from the crow.

The crow stabilized itself mid-air and flew to the young lady's side. She stepped on its head as they faced off against Grey and Void.

"Come on Void, grow bigger." Grey urged.

"Not against this low life crow." Void shook his head, too proud to increase his size just because of a crow.

Grey didn't bring up the matter any longer, he was more concerned about the duo in front of him. He wanted to take them out.

The young lady looked at Grey with a serious expression, "Did you truly kill them?"

She was still finding it hard to believe, but she had tried to sense them but realized she couldn't. This meant that they were dead. If Grey was the one who killed them then his threat was far higher than what they originally thought.

"Ask them when you see them."

Grey moved for the attack once again. This time, he tried to switch places with the young lady, but to his surprise, she actually resisted.

First off, the young lady had the space element, and being aware of this ability of Grey's, she was already on guard against it.

Grey didn't panic, he didn't lose entirely in that battle. Since he was unable to switch places with her, he sent an orb there using the shortcut.

The young lady was unable to stop the orb from coming, so when it appeared, she could only defend against it.

Void attacked with his lightning element, sending out a bolt of lightning their way.

Grey didn't try to create the new form of the fusion orb, he knew the young lady wouldn't give him that chance. However, he had no issues with sending out multiple fusion orbs.

For a long time now, he could instantly create these orbs, so it wasn't a problem for him.

The young lady was able to block the first orb, Void's lightning bolt was dealt with by the crow. Seeing Grey sending out multiple fusion orbs, she couldn't help but feel dread.

From the first attack, she already knew just how powerful the attack was, and to think that Grey could unleash more than one at a time was beyond comprehensible.

The young lady and the crow hastily retreated, making sure they left the area of the explosion when the orbs exploded.

At the last moment, she noticed something was wrong and tried to stop the crow, but it was too late.

Void had deployed his domain, and reduced the area. When they got to the edge, they were teleported back to the place they were standing, in the middle of the explosion of the fusion orbs.

"Smart move, Void." Grey praised Void's quick thinking.

Void raised his head proudly, looking down on Grey.

Grey didn't care about him and placed his attention on the explosion. He knew the duo wouldn't die so easily.

It was just as he predicted. When the explosion died down, the young lady and the crow appeared before them, although they didn't escape unscathed from the explosion, they were not severely injured by it.

"I knew it would take more than that to take you down." Grey commented.

The young lady wiped the blood at the side of her mouth, her expression serious. Deep in her eyes, one could still see the fear from almost being blown away by the attack. If not for the crow taking most of the hit, and she setting up a few last minute defensive walls, they would've been seriously injured.

She stepped on the crow and they turned around to escape. She knew fighting against Grey and Void was a suicide mission, especially with just the two of them.

Grey turned to Void, and Void shook his head. His domain couldn't hold them as long as the young lady is able to find out the breaking point. With the young lady being a Space Elementalist as well, it wasn't hard for her to find the breaking point.

Grey was already giving chase, seeing them break it, he snorted and sent out ice arrows at them.

The young lady didn't even turn around as she blocked the attacks and ran for her life.

Grey was fast, but against a flying type Magical Beast, he was a bit lacking. The young lady was using her space element to teleport them occasionally. With time, the gap between them started to widen and Grey could only give up.

"Damn it! She escaped." He complained as he watched her leave.

"At least she didn't leave unharmed." Void commented.

"I wanted her to stay." Grey said coldly.

"There's nothing we can do. Let's go help the others." Void suggested.

Grey nodded and turned around, after taking a glance at the escaping figure, he snorted and left.

He would take care of her later. It wasn't like they had left the secret realm yet. There was still the chance of meeting her after leaving this building. Unless she left the building before he did, if not, he would kill her.

They went on to help the others who were still engaged in a battle. Gilbert was able to take out his opponent since he was on the same stage as the person. Although it took a while, after all, Darkness Elementalists were quite difficult to deal with.

Being an Earth Elementalist, explosive attacks wasn't his strong fort, so he had to slowly grind his opponent till he won. Ellis didn't take too long with his opponent as well.

Klaus and Reynolds threatened to become enemies with them if they helped out, so they could only watch as they fought a long battle that they eventually won.

Klaus was slowly getting stronger than he previously was, Reynolds on the other hand was getting a better understanding of his new ability.

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