108 Maidens of Destiny

Chapter 642

Chapter 642

“Hanyan, why are you here?”

Su Xing did not think he would run into Zhao Hanyan here at all .

“It seems the White Tiger Territory has a Divine Bird, so Hanyan came to take a look . ” Zhao Hanyan seemed to smile .

“It’s great that you’re here . I just happen to need your help facing the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian . ” The Star Riding Boat descended, and Su Xing sighed .

“You just need its feathers, you ought to be able to do that . ” Dong Junqing stroked her lips, her wickedly glancing at Su Xing’s body, a lewd expression that very much cherished a certain memory .

Zhao Hanyan’s brows twisted . She noticed that Su XIng’s expression was flustered . She had never seen him like this before, and she could not help but ask sternly: “Su Xing, what happened?”

“Xi Yue was struck by Han Bing’s power . She needs the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s soul to be cured . ” Su XIng summarized the events . Zhao Hanyan was shocked, flashing into the Star Riding Boat . As expected, she saw Xi Yue laying on the bed . The girl’s body was extremely cold, a mist surrounding her . She could not be approached at all . This kind of ice-cold feeling was beyond even the Thousand Year Black Ice .

“Then let us go right now . Little Sister’s injuries cannot be delayed . ” Zhao Hanyan asked Dong Junqing: “Junqing, how are your preparations?”

“No problems . This General has long wanted to test the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian . ” Dong Junqing had already mostly recovered from the Star Duel with Ye Futu . The Steadfast Star twirled the Dragon Phoenix Yin Yang Spears and nodded .

Su Xing then arranged their battle formation, having Hua Wanyue keep a distance and watch for chances . Su Xing, Zhao Hanyan, and Dong Junqing would take a frontal assault . Of course, Gongsun Huang would also watch for an opportunity to use her Earth Rank . Because this concerned Xi Yue’s life and death, they were extremely urgent . There was no tolerance for mishaps, nor was there any time to waste .

Stepping onto Clinging Bird Hill, the temperature immediately skyrocketed, instantly making them drip with sweat .

These temperatures were far from normal . Even while using Star Energy, they were unable to dispel it . These flames came from the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian and the Phoenix Tree’s natural fire . It pervaded the internal organs, capable of making any cultivator feel suffering .

“This place is unexpectedly so hot . ” Dong Junqing was very uncomfortable . She seemed to be on fire from head to toe, but this was not lust .

Zhao Hanyan felt smothered, loathe to even open her mouth .

Before they could even see the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian, to feel such broiling heat, this made ZHao Hanyan have a feeling of foreboding .

“Hanyan, Junqing, take these . ” Su Xing handed already prepared Ice Souls to the two girls . The moment ZHao Hanyan received this Ice Soul, she immediately felt the chills coming from her hand, greatly abating the temperature .

“Lianxin forged these . Take these two Ice Heart Pills as well . ” Su XIng said .

“Hee, hee . You always have so many goodies, but what about you?” Dong Junqing said .

“I have the Meditative Mind Lotus Flower for protection . This little trial means nothing to me . ” Su Xing had undergone every kind of serious trial . This temperature naturally could also be endured . “I saw that your energy wasn’t too good before, was there a battle? You must have suffered, Junqing . You’d better be careful this time, don’t force yourself . ” Su Xing gently warned .

To be frank, Dong Junqing’s heart had never felt this kind of sweetness . Indeed, it was somewhat gratifying . “Your words are simply insulting This General . However, seeing as you are concerned with This General, never mind . ”

“Fine . In short, do not be careless, Junqing . ” Zhao Hanyan also put away her heedless attitude . After all, they were facing the legendary Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian . Her heart was somewhat anxious, her palms full of sweat .

Su Xing’s Divine Intent moved .

A yellow book appeared .

An absolutely beautiful woman clad in a yellow gown suddenly appeared out of thin air . This woman’s long sleeves wafted yellow qi, dispersing like smoke, forming a barrier . She was none other than the Empress Tu Earth Book .

Seeing that Su Xing was scheming so meticulously out of fear that something would happen to them, Zhao Hanyan knowingly smiled .

“Little Huang, I’ll leave this to you . ” Su Xing said .

The Gongsun Huang sitting on his shoulder nodded . She held the Pinebrand Ancient Sword and pointed it at the distant tree . Several rays of Star Magic were then released . The enormous Phoenix Tree that covered the sky rumbled . The treetop shook, and those fire-red leaves trembled, immediately burning with tumultuous flames . These flames viciously blew in every direction, and a rolling heatwave burst out .

Empress Tu raised her sleeve, raising a barrier that dispelled the heatwave . Everywhere else was washed apart . That scorching heat smothered a range of ten li .

Immediately afterwards, a clear phoenix cry reached the sky .

The Phoenix Tree seemed to come to life . A giant Divine Bird burst out from the canopy, suddenly revealing itself to everyone .

And what a beautiful Divine Bird it was .

Its figure was graceful, perfectly outlined, with feathers like jade, sparkling and translucent . Its wings were like flames, bright and burning . Seemingly right behind it was majesty that outshone everything in the world . A pair of dazzling, gem-like eyes glinted . Its body that was as streamlined as a feather hovered like a cloud . What was most breathtaking was the tail plumage of the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian . It had the markings of fire, thin as a cicada’s wing .

“What a beautiful bird . ” Zhao Hanyan had a sort of reluctance to slay it .

Even the most skilled painter in the world could not do this bird’s beauty the slightest bit of justice .

Although they were awestruck by the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian, the bird itself had no such thoughts . She saw a group of cultivators, just like every other suicidally ignorant cultivator that attempted to disturb her . These cultivators were very powerful, but the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian still did not hesitate to unleash its attack .

The Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s pupils glinted, and it spat out a ray of scarlet light .

This light was like a sharp blade, easily cutting open the earth . With a bang, Empress Tu’s Earth Qi defenses were unexpectedly breached . Even the Earth Book was unable to defend against this . Su Xing did not want to experience the terror of this light . From past descriptions, the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s scarlet light could easily kill anyone in a mere instant .

“Watch our Flying Swords . ”

Su Xing and Zhao Hanyan immediately acted .

The twelve Heaven Tearing and a hundred Outer Void Flying Immortals Swords appeared . In terms of numbers, Zhao Hanyan had inherited Dong Junqing’s Double Swords Innate Skill . She could control twice as many Flying Swords with this, and the Innate Skill also increased the damage her Flying Swords inflicted . Just the brilliant slashes of those hundred Flying Swords were things that an ordinary person could not withstand . Even Su Xing showed a bit of astonishment .

In comparison, his Ancient Flying Swords Heaven Tearing seemed very meek .

Although Flying Swords were powerful, the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian disdained them as beneath her . She raised her wings, and a bright flame erupted . It wrapped around all of the incoming Flying Swords, making the Flying Swords that the two of them were so proud of amount to nothin .

“As expected, you still need This General to enter close quarters . ”

Dong Junqing leapt forwards, using the tree trunk as a platform . She sprung high, the Yin Yang Double Spears sweeping together at the same time, releasing a Yin Yang Cross Slash in midair .

Crescent spear-lights rained down .

But they were surprisingly unable to penetrate the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s flame defenses .

The Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian cried .

This time was even more overbearing . Several thousand rays of light as bright as scarlet flames flew out from the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s wings, just like blooming fireworks, turning into a downpour of flaming swords .

They easily tore asunder Dong Junqing’s technique as well as Gongsun Huang’s Star Magic . Dong Junqing paused in midair, somersaulted, and relied on her superb reflexes to evade the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s torrential attack .

At this moment, Su Xing also closed the distance .

But the flames over the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s whole body made people unable to draw near . Broiling flames covered its whole body as well as its internal organs, “These flames are very formidable, there is no way to cross them at all . ” Dong Junqing’s double spears slashed about . She finally realized the terrifying aspect of this Divine Bird . Just approaching those high temperatures could make a martial general’s battle capabilities plummet, and the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s omnipresent powers made them completely unable to find a chance to attack .

“Hè . ”

Su Xing shouted, suddenly forming a hand seal and striking with Purple Mansion Immortal Thunder .

Divine Thunder filled the skies and clashed with the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s Divine FIre, showering the area with fierce sparks, shaking the earth . But his hard work paid off . Su Xing had finally opened a path . Dong Junqing’s senses were keen, advancing forwards through the gap . The Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian again released Divine Fire . At this moment, a burst of cold from behind her eased the burden upon Dong Junqing . Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Su Xing using Instant Frost Flame to disperse the flames .

The corner of Dong Junqing’s lips curled, and she shouted mightily .

Finally breaking through the obstruction of flames, she did not stop at all . She directly thrust one spear into the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s body .

But Dong Junqjing was far from being able to injure this sort of Divine Bird . Her thrust had barely pierced into its body when billowing flames once again erupted . That powerful force was like the opening of floodgates, sending Dong Junqing flying backwards .

While she was in midair, the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian opened its mouth and spat a fireball to vaporize Dong Junqing .

However, Hua Wanyue shot an arrow to interrupt her attack . Then, Dong Junqing quickly adjusted herself . However, The Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s speed was extremely swift . She flapped her wings, soaring to an even higher altitude . With speed, she broke free of Dong Junqing’s entanglement . Clearly, she had recognized the power of this girl .

One bout later, Su Xing and the girls had not taken the advantage .

“She is not easy to fight . ” Zhao Hanyan was drenched in sweat, her hundred Flying Swords were temporarily on standby . Continually controlling her Flying Swords to attack was extremely taxing on her energy .

“En . ” Su Xing carefully stared at the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s beautiful eyes, trying to find her weak point .

The Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian was high above, as if she was embedded among the Crimson Stars in the sky, glowing brightly . She slightly flapped her wings, as if she was mulling the situation over . Her long and beautiful tail feathers fluttered about in the wind like tassels .

“Shall we retrieve the tail feathers first?” Zhao Hanyan asked .

“No need to do it like this . If we can’t take her soul, then the feathers are useless to me, too . ” Su Xing did not hesitate to decline . He apparently did not want to do this .

Zhao Hanyan was without a choice . This man was fine with anything, but sometimes, treating his women too good was not good at all . He had surprisingly completely disregarded his fire element Flying Sword material .

“Then good, This Princess will occupy her for now . As long as you can draw near, you can handle her . ” The Ling Yan Princess said . Her Divine Intent moved, and the hundred Flying Swords manifested their Heavenly Immortal forms . This time, their sword-qi was agile, forming a beautiful sword array .

Zhao Hanyan silently chanted and raised her arms .

The Yin Yang Bracelet flew out, hurtling towards the Clinging Vermilion Jian .

Su Xing immediately used an escape technique . This time, he directly brought out the Five Star Dragon Sparrow Dew Long Saber .

“He really is impatient . ” Dong Junqing took a deep breath and summoned the Void Dragon False Phoenix .

Gongsun Huang thoughtfully released her yet-to-fully-recover Di Nü Heavenly Phoenix, and Hua Wanyue did not hesitate either . The Heavenly Hero Red Luan appeared directly . The four great Vermilion Bird-like firebirds Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian, Heavenly Hero Red Luan, Void Dragon False Phoenix, and the Di Nü Heavenly Phoenix immediately started an awe-inspiring melee .

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